How can you make friends with your anxiety?

It’s upsetting to witness a loved one suffer from panic attacks and anxiety on a daily basis, but there are things you can do to assist. It all starts with recognising the symptoms of acute concern and discovering the best techniques to give emotional support and therapy to your loved one. It might be tough to know what to say and how to stand up for a friend, partner, or loved one who suffers from anxiety. Use your sense of humour in any manner that seems acceptable.

It is difficult to make friends with your anxiety, but everything is possible if you practise detaching from the worry and mood swings while remaining connected to the one who is suffering. This may be the most difficult duty, but it is extremely necessary. Be open to address the matter with the individual, but be mindful of how and when this conversation should take place.

It is almost tough to be cheerful and think correctly at such circumstances. One of the primary reasons I avoid talking to others at this time is because they may feel awful and say something good, which is obviously not what I want. You are the expert on yourself; try beginning small and celebrating tiny victories. Looking in the mirror and giving yourself some optimism may assist with motivating self-talk. Appreciate yourself on your progress and remind yourself of your strengths. More information may be found in this lifestyle magazine.

The best place to begin would be to determine when the anxiety began, whether it is now a continuous occurrence, if it comes on and off, or if it just occurs at particular times and/or is triggered by a certain object. Trying to understand where it originated from or when it began can provide you with much-needed insight into how you may then begin to try and address the problem, which I know is difficult to grasp but is a possibility.

Here are some methods to be the greatest helpful friend to someone suffering from anxiety:
Listen carefully and empathically:
Ask yourself how they are and listen with total patience and without considering how you will respond. So pay close attention. Practice being fully present. Accept their emotions. For example, “you’ll get over this” or “you’re OK.” Thank them for sharing their feelings with you. If you feel grateful to yourself, it is the nicest sensation ever and something you should attempt.

Don’t attempt to mend them: no one is broken. Stop becoming emotionally involved in your life. And your acquaintance has most likely already done extensive study and testing to learn about their anxiousness. You are not a mental health professional, and you are attempting to repair your mental health. Giving too many coping strategies may seem like an extra burden, and they may be seen as a source of worry. Your acquaintance has been enduring the severe affects of anxiety on his or her own. This makes them strong and courageous for going through so much. When you realise they’ve done something extremely difficult, revel in their own accomplishments.

Allow the anxiousness to pass and attempt to speak with a counsellor:
Allow yourself to learn that they may be nervous with you or in front of a psychologist or online therapist, that you understand anxiety isn’t something they choose, and that you or the psychologist or online counsellor will not attempt to remove them from their emotions. Make an effort to get acquainted with your counsellor or psychologist.

Consider what you need or what they wish to do:
Different persons with anxiety have different coping mechanisms. Meditation, exercises, and breathing drills, for example, are beneficial to many individuals and may help you, but they may not benefit your buddy. Many individuals who suffer from anxiety should engage in some kind of physical activity, such as labour or aerobics. Ask your loved ones who are suffering from anxiety to see a psychiatrist or psychologist to learn what works for them and how you can assist.

Give them enough time and companionship so they may express themselves:
Along with the issue of anxiousness, there is the challenge of obtaining ideal and moral support. You might attempt other types of activity courses, behavioural therapy, mental health professionals, or meditation activities. Join forces with them and do something for them. It’s less daunting when you’re not alone.

  • Ada

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