Red potato nutrition is a versatile root vegetable and a staple food in many homes. One of the most popular vegetables in the world is the red potato. It is incredibly versatile and can be cooked in a variety of ways. What many people don’t know is that the red potato is packed with nutrients, including Vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
Potatoes come in a range of nutritional packages, including a variety that is affordable and easy to grow.
Here Are The Nutritional And Health Benefits Of Potatoes
1. Packed With Nutrients
The nutrition content of potatoes will vary depending on their variety and how they were prepared. Frying potatoes is healthier than baking them.
Noting that potatoes have a high amount of vitamins, minerals and skin are important. You can decrease the nutrition content of potatoes by peeling them.
2. Contain Antioxidants
Potatoes are high in flavonoids (carotenoids), phenolic acids, and other compounds.
These compounds work as antioxidants within the body by neutralizing potentially dangerous molecules known as free radicals. If free radicals build up, they can increase your risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
Studies also showed that potatoes with colored skins like purple potatoes may contain up to four-fold more antioxidants than white potatoes. This means that they may be more effective at neutralizing radicals.
Most of the evidence is based on test-tube research. To make any health recommendations, it is essential to do more human-based research.
3. May Improve Blood Sugar Control
The resistant starch type of starch in potatoes is a very special kind.
The starch isn’t broken down and fully absorbed into the body. Instead, it reaches the large intestine and becomes a source of nutrients for beneficial bacteria.
Research has shown that resistant-starch has many health benefits. These include reducing insulin resistance and improving blood sugar control.
The insulin resistance of mice fed resistant starch was lower in animals. This indicates that their bodies were more efficient at eliminating excess sugar from the body.
A study of type 2 diabetics showed that eating resistant starch was more effective in removing excess blood sugar from a meal.
Another study showed that 10 people were fed 30g of resistant-starch each day over a four week period. Scientists have found that insulin resistance can be reduced by 33% using resistant starch.
It’s possible to increase potato’s resistant starch. To do so, keep boiled potatoes in a refrigerator overnight and serve them chilled.
4. May Improve Digestive Health
The resistant starch in potatoes can also be beneficial for digestive health.
Resistant starch is converted to food by beneficial gut bacteria once it reaches the large intestinal tract. These bacteria take it in and convert it to long-chain fatty acid.
Potato starch is most commonly converted to short-chain fat acid butyrate, the preferred food source for gut bacteria.
Butyrate, according to studies, can lower inflammation in the colon and strengthen the colon’s defenses. It also reduces the risk of colorectal cancer.
5. Naturally Gluten-Free
The gluten-free diet has become a very popular one. It is about eliminating gluten, which can be found in grains like wheat, barley, wheat, and rye.
Most people do not feel any adverse reactions to gluten.
Celiac disease or no celiac gluten sensitivity can cause severe discomfort when they consume gluten. These symptoms can include severe stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, skin rashes, and constipation to name just a few.
Consider adding potatoes to your gluten-free diet. They are naturally gluten less, so you won’t get any unpleasant symptoms.